Friday, July 2, 2010

[4th] Weekend Reminders!

- Long test about
The Cell Cycle (+ regulation and cancer) on Tuesday, July 6.

- Tournament quiz about The Judgement of Paris and the Iliad.

- Reaction paper to
Ded na si Lolo due on Monday, July 5.
- Long test about
Panitikan on Monday, July 5.
- Play presentations start on
Wednesday, July 7.

- Practical Test on
Thursday, July 8.

- Forced Savings due on
Thursday, July 8.
- On 1 whole sheet of padpaper, research on the following:
- The characteristics of a market and command economies
- Define what a perfectly competitive market is
- Illustrate and explain the circular flow of goods and services
- 2 Individual RRLs due on
Friday, July 9.
- Topic Proposals!
- Informal discussion about the STR projects outside the room on
Monday, July 5.

- Study about the Earthquake Drills and Floor Plan.

- *still looking for someone to help with the site*

1 comment:

  1. may hw daw sa ss

    Research on the following for Econ <1 whole sheet>:
    o The characteristics of a market and command economies
    o Define what a perfectly competitive market is
    o Illustrate and explain the circular flow of goods and services

    papost na lang :))


Include your name, please.